Beach Safety

Beach Safety

Our coast is well known for rip currents. The first and utmost thing to remember – when you get pulled into a current is DO NOT PANIC. Most drowning happen when people start to panic. Stay calm and try to swim parallel with the beach, escaping out of the current. You can then surf the waves out to the beach as soon as you feel you are out of danger. KNOW your beach and where these currents are most likely to form. Find out from the lifeguard where it is safe to swim.


Johann van Tonder is ‘n boorling van George met ‘n groot liefde vir die Suid Kaap, sy natuur en geskiedenis. As redakteur, joernalis, radio persoonlikheid en storieverteller leef hy hom uit in die wêreld van motors en motorfietse en bevind homself gereeld in verskillende dele van die land op die nuutste motor en motorfiets bekendstellings. Onder die vaandel Trailrider Media verskaf hy motor en motorfiets verwante inhoud aan koerante, tydskrifte en verskeie radiostasies. Wanneer hy tuis is verken hy graag die area se agterpaaie op sy ysterperd op soek na nuwe stories en verhale vir sy reis blog en druk-titel Ultimate Lifestyle.

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