Flying the Swartberg Mountain Pass

Flying the Swartberg Mountain Pass

So a bunch of us decided to head for the Swartberg Mountains and spend the weekend soaring with Veraux Eagles in this edged mountain pass. Staying at the very comfortable and affordable Wilgewandel Holiday Farm chalets that is nestled in the foot hold of the pass and offers a variety of activities and eats, but we were more interested in the wind and thermal activity of the escarpment.

After checking in early Saturday morning we headed out to the mountains. Our fearless leader and wind-finder Johan Anderson briefed us at Kobus se Gat familiarising us with the landing areas and wind activity of this rolling topography of hills, dales and the infamous ostrich farms.

Once we reached our destination, gliders were rigged and decisions were made. Johan was the first to take flight and soon after the others followed suit. I myself had the title of “Bakkie Bokkie” and had to retrieve our pilots from all the interesting landing spots around. The paragliding pilots were definitely the most entertaining and popped up in a few amusing places like the back of bakkies etc etc.

The day ended with a late lunch and a few beers as we sat back and enjoyed the company of each other, reflecting on the days accounts while soaking up the last rays of sunlight.

A slow drive home with some sleepy pilots in the back reminded me of when I was little and had a long day out… happiness galore.

Article & Photos: Rose Bilbrough – @gotravelbug

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